Altaholics Anonymous

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Posts Tagged ‘Northrend’

Where are you now?

Posted by Joel Unravelled on 7 December, 2008


The Shaman (78) saunters across the makers playground in search of wee beasties to feed his ever hungry guild. Skins are harvested by axe, mace, dagger and fist weapon, a moment of conflict and then the peace of yet another successful hunt. Unsuspecting beasts from the gentle long-neck to the vicious proto-drake fall in a flurry of blows. Alone but for the ghostly wolves that lope at her side, and the occasional elemental servant summoned to assist, she is master of all she surveys. A veritable weapon master, a whirling dervish of death she stands unchallenged, INVINC.. *SPLAT* …… “damn rogues”.


The Warlock (65) master of demonic forces and destructive energies, meanders across the gentle slopes of Nagrand like death itself has come to this land. It is a purposeless journey, and along the way animal and humanoid alike feels the touch of Fel energies and seconds later is cast into the bottomless darkness of final death. Glee fills orcish eyes as demonic agents rend flesh, and souls are casually ripped apart. This is where he comes to relax in the peace and [Curse of Agony] [Corruption] [Shadow Bolt] [Shadow bolt] sudden stillness of the verdant plains. There isn’t a soul to bother him, at least not any more, and he can stop to pick the flowers at his leisure. All is well for the orc, nothing can stand in his *YANK* *SPLAT* ….. “damn death knights”.


The Paladin (72), wielder of the light and reluctant protector of all that is good stands uncomfortably on the shores of Northrend. It has been a long journey to get here, and the knowledge that he and his entire order have been manipulated, despite the good intentions, does not sit well with him. At the heart of this land lies Arthus, and without he and the other blood knights this abomination will bring death to his beloved city and his people once more. Silvermoon must be protected, the pinnacle of magical and cultural development can not be snuffed out by a pathetic human, no matter how much necromantic energy swells their power. Yet this new land irks him, the primitive garb he has been forced to scavenge is but a poor reflection of the glorious gear liberated in outlands, his crystal hammer replaced by crude axe as he seeks to carve a path to the foot of the frozen throne. Soon he will…. *STAB*… huh? *STAB* *STAB* *STAB* *STAB* “light damned backstabbing rogues can’t even wait the 5 minutes it takes to cut this opponent down”. *STAB* *STAB* He mutters a sigh and [Divine Shield] [Holy Light] leaves the area before the unexpected conflict causes him to perspire excessively.

Animated by fell necromancy, embraced by unholy power, the Death Knight (61) drives across the tormented wastes of Hellfire Peninsular. Any that stand in her path fall, those that move aside are left unharmed. She is not here to bring simple slaughter, as soothing as that would be, there is a purpose here. She carves a path towards acceptance, to earn her place within the horde so that they might, in turn, clear her a path to Arthus so she can repay him for his ‘gift’ of unending torment. There is no mercy here, nothing but determination and … *YANK* *CLANG* “oh look another Death Knight (65) volunteers to feed this homicidal rage” [Strangulate] [Icy Touch] [Plague Strike] [Blood Strike] “don’t flee brother” … [Death Grip]… [Blood Strike] [Scourge Strike] … a burning desire for revenge in her march to the Ice Crown Citadel.

There we have the progression of my big four.

Enhancement Shaman, unstoppable PvE machine.

Demonic Warlock, unstoppable PvE machine.

Protection Paladin, completely stoppable.

Unholy Death Knight, unstoppable machine.

I have loved all the QQ going on about how OP the death knight is, and where does all this whine originate? The Rogues of course. The only class with the RP and mechanics to make ganking their No. 1 game activity have finally got competition. No longer can they see a red bar (be it eating in a secluded location, engaged in combat with multiple combatants, or motionless as their player contemplates the map) and be guaranteed of  free honor points.

Loving this new expansion 🙂

Posted in Author Speaks, Ganking, Paladin, PvE, PvP, Shaman, Warlock | Tagged: , , , , | 3 Comments »